Friday, September 23, 2011

Your Worm in my Seeds

Ok so the title is a little off putting I know but hey who cares. This is my open letter about to Davis sunflower seeds about a worm and a bag of overpriced sunflower seeds. Picture it Sicily j/k but please picture it....

Dear Whoever let that worm get into my seeds David sunflower seed company,

I am writing this letter because on some previous weekend I purchased your overpriced ass seeds at a local Walgreens. Now let me be clear i don't usually buy your product because i can get 2 bags for $1 of Frito Lays seeds from any gas station but that's neither here nor there. This particular day I was on my way to one of my stepson's football games which Boyfriend coaches. There was no said gas stations around to purchase my usual bag of seeds so i bit the bullet and bought them from Walgreens. I even bought bags for my football mom friends who i gossip with during the games. Well lo and behold come Monday I'm sitting at my desk and to show you just how much the powers that be wanted your company to be exposed for the frauds they are i ate my seeds a little different that day. Usually i spit my opened shells into a cup or empty juice bottle but that day i chose to spit them onto a napkin. Well in between a lull where i had a couple of calls back to back i happened to look down at my spat out seeds and noticed one that didn't look quite like the others.

Now let me preface this by saying that I wear glasses but i didn't wear them that day. Its not like i can't see without them, its just that working at a computer day in and day out has made my vision just a little less than perfect. But not so imperfect that when i glanced down at this irregular shell i couldn't help but notice the ridges on the shell not indicative to sunflower seeds. *notice how i used indicative? they use that word regularly on crime shows*  I then moved my face in closer and this is what i saw:

That ain't no damn seed. That looks like a finely roasted maggot. Now don't get me wrong. I am not weirded out for the fact that i hate a roasted maggot in my mouth. Some people around the world eat these little worms for protein. I don't. That yet and still isn't my issue with you Mr. David. My issue is that i paid for a bag of sunflower seeds and what i got was a roasted maggot. Now before you get your panties in a bunch understand my plight here. If i had strolled into Walgreens and purchased a bag of roasted maggots and then got home and spit out a sunflower seed there would be some "splainin' to do Lucy". What also made me upset is that because my taste buds were set to seeds and not maggot i promptly because disinterested in my bag of seeds, which prompted me to throw them away. Ever had a taste for steak and got a hamburger and just couldn't finish it? Same thing here. Which meant that not only had i not received what i paid for, but then i threw the rest of the bag of seeds away because they would now taste like maggots to my tongue.

Now Mr. David please understand I'm not looking for any compensation from you, I'm not looking for people to boycott your product. What i am looking for is some truth in advertising. If Quality Assurance Guy #5 isn't going to do his job of making sure my seeds are maggot free then I'd at least like a choice as to whether I'm buying sunflower seeds enhanced with larvae or just plain sunflower seeds. You have no problem with labeling your other flavors. You have Ranch, BBQ, Original, Nacho Cheese, Jalapeno, Chili Lime, Dill Pickle and even a Reduced Sodium flavor. All I'm asking is for you to label your products correctly from here on out.

Thank you,

A concerned seed eater.

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